Chinese Robe and Diamond Wall

Chinese Robe and Diamond Wall
Inside the front door...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break of Pack Rats!

What a bore. How dreary. I think of those basking in warm sun on a (probably crowded) sea-shell beach...and....I tell myself to get over it! I can have hours of enjoyment vacuuming white cat hair off the 70's carpet and restacking those quaking towers of books... I decided 3 weeks ago that NO CAT will be allowed back in the house, ever. So far they are agreeable. Probably because of all the cat romances going on in the neighborhood. Last week I tried to hire a hitman twice to take out one of the cats, Kaiser Grey. More on that later—I'm not mean, just humane!
But I digress! Oh the excitement of the vacuum! I moved 7 fishing poles out of one corner, 4 from behind a chair, and Jesus Christ, if I didn't come across 3 more in pieces when I got snagged on some of the line. Exasperation. What to do, what to do? Where to place 2 bows and their arrows, 3 sets of weights; and I see 6 (visible) guns here and there. When you really step back and glance around its quite overwhelming! I put 36 game/music CD's back in their cases and stacked a zillion more before carrying the vacuum upstairs—this really sucks. Sigh. If you ever have to move into an ancient home, make sure there are tons of closets...
I shouldn't complain about stuff...I brought home 4 kimonos some time ago because I could tell they were pretty cool and ancient...some college kid was 'getting rid of his uncle's Halloween costumes'. Google told me that one of them was pre-1911 and would have been worth $700.00 if it would have had dragons rather than peonies embroidered all over it-- I about fell out of my chair! It's awesome and has gold thread here and there and brass flower ball fasteners...actually Chinese from the Ching now hangs on my living room wall amongst 26 paintings and drawings. Ahhh, clutter! I have so many more cool things to hang if only I had the wall space...!
But saving things comes in handy! I took old sewing pattern pieces, and pressed them onto the wall on which I had brushed liquid laundry starch. I brushed on some more and now have a crinkled texture; painted it a dark white, measured and drew on large thin diamond shapes and painted them all gold with Walmart craft paint—44cents a bottle! Its rather transparent and isn't too obvious—changes in lighting effect it dramatically during the day... I definitely have to create a border...
Must stop and work on that wedding dress now; more later...sorry to be abrupt. There might be pics here or maybe on my other 2

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